

“trace is now CRR Lebanon

We are thrilled to announce that “trace is now CRR Lebanon (Center for Right Relations), representing CRR Global from the U.S.A.—the company which provides Relationship Systems Coaching Training, and is led by Wael El Helou, certified Organization and Relationship Systems Coach.

CRR Global provides ORSC™ Certification Program; an ICF accredited program which is an integrated and robust coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence™.

Beyond Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself) and Social Intelligence (relationship with other) is the realm of Relationship Systems Intelligence where one’s focus shifts to the relationship with the group, team or system. This approach creates sustainable and resilient teams (and families),

ORSC™ represents a blend of general systems theory, process work, constellations, emotional and social intelligence, organizational development theory, Co-Active coaching, Positivity research and others.

With more than 15 years of experience under its belt, the ORSC™ curriculum is the first relationship systems-focused ICF-accredited coach training program, allowing coaches interested in pursuing ICF accreditations to go to that path at fast pace compared to one-to-one coaching.

ORSC™ is a 14 days active learning program (delivered over 5 months) and has participants earn 84 approved ICF Hours (pre-certification),

We are running the 1st system/team coaches training program in the Levant this year and classroom leaders delivering this program in Beirut were chosen based on personal experience of who were the most impactful and resourceful ones. In addition to that, Faith Fuller, co-founder of CRR Global will be there during one of the workshops as well.


If you would like to learn more about ORSC™, feel free to contact us on the following:

T: +961 5 450 338 | +961 76 68 00 33


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